What about CSS3?

Friday, February 26, 2010 0 commenti
Every designer of the current era is making this question:

What's happening to CSS3?

Oh Great question! I say. And please don't go too far away looking for the answer :)

just this: http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/current-work

W3c is the right place :D

jAPS 2.0 Screencast: Page Models

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 0 commenti
Please remember this is a very very very simple example!

jAPS 2.0 Screencast: Istantiate a new portal in 7 steps

Saturday, February 20, 2010 0 commenti
Better than 10 thousand words.

Welcome to:
Instantiate a New Portal from jAPS 2.0 sources in 7 steps.

What You Need:
-> the whole development environment with: Sun JDK, Eclipse, PostgreSQL and Tomcat
-> Already Imported and Already Configured jAPS 2.0 source Project

If You don't know how to do all those things:

Let's Start:
1 - Open Eclipse, and start editing this file: build_newPortal.xml

2 - Just insert the name of the new project You want to create,
modify the property "newportal.name"

3 - use this build_newPortal.xml with ANT, run the
"Create New Portal" task

4 - Import the new project, It's already in your workspace

5 - Verify params: setup the name of the new webapp in the build.xml and verify other params in context.xml

6 - run it (you need to restore/create db first of course)

7 - You got it, Have fun with jAPS 2.0 :)

8 - Follow us at http://roarofthefagiano.blogspot.com/ :P

Bye, Andrea.

How does your website sounds like?

Thursday, February 18, 2010 0 commenti
Uh? Wait a moment.

I was reading my twitter timeline when I saw a post from kamicane, then I landed to C O D E O R G A N.

Welcome to the Magical Mechanical Codeorgan
The Codeorgan analyses the *body* content of any web page and
translates that content into music. The Codeorgan uses a
complex algorithm to define the key, synt style and drum
pattern most appropriate to the page content.

Wanna hear how http://www.japsportal.org/ sounds like? :D

Just if you are curious!

jAPS 2.0 FAQ: Can I modify Page Models? And What will happen?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010 0 commenti
1 - Yes you can.
2 - Depends.

If you modify JSP files of Page Models no problems. JSP will be just "reloaded" or compiled again by Tomcat and everything will change aspects. Cool.

If you modify XML configuration of a Page Model, which it is currently used for Pages in your portal, you have to configure those Pages again. So you'll have setup again all the Showlets for those Pages. D'oh!

Think soo[...] far when designing the XML configuration :)

Once upon a time...

0 commenti
...in a galaxy far, far away... and then there was the web, only the web.

A really interesting post from a really interesting blog.

Velocity Reserved Words

Tuesday, February 16, 2010 0 commenti
I was googleing for these keywords "velocity reserved words". I need to know what they are!

I did't find nothing useful and also at Velocity Reference I haven't found what I need.

Just a few day days ago I was editing a Content Model, for an Attach Attribute, and I wanted to show the size. The code was something like $content.Attach.resource.instance.fileLenght (yeah there's a typo error in getter!) and not working.

So what's wrong with "resource" and "instance" in velocity? :) Solution was to add a custom getter to the object with a different name.

Mhh I'm still not convinced about Velocity Reserved Words.

Run jAPS 2.0.8 in 10 min. now HD

Sunday, February 14, 2010 0 commenti

Just yestarday I've posted the new Run jAPS 2.0 in 10 minutes but I was thinking youtube can convert your HD video and let user watch it in the desired definition.

So, I've done everything again :D

jAPS 2.0 Screencast: Run jAPS 2.0.8 in 10 minutes

Saturday, February 13, 2010 0 commenti

Here you are:

jAPS 2.0 Tag Library Documentation

Friday, February 12, 2010 0 commenti
I've just generated and published the TLD Doc for jAPS 2.0.

Have a look at http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1840263/blog/jAPS2.0.8tld/index.html

There is the documentation for jAPS 2.0.8 aps-core taglib and aps-admin taglib.

I also included the jACMS Plugin TLD documentation which is very useful, It's the most important plugin!

Maybe next jAPS 2.0 release will have all the tld files in English! :-P

"Shaken, not stirred"

0 commenti
News are always good news, here at my workplace!

Well, not the Project Manager of jAPS 2.0 anymore... but proudly the R&D Director @ Tzente S.r.l. (which is the official mantainer of jAPS 2.0)!

Eugenio Santoboni is the new Project Manager, and I'm pretty sure he will guide the project to the next level of greatness.

As of me and my new role, I have to admit it's getting better all the time (find yourself the citation, this time) and the air is plenty with exciting ideas and amazing concepts for the future of jAPS 2.0 and the Web, made accessible.

All bloody hail!


(... yes, me Spike's fan, Spike FTW.)

Run jAPS 2.0 screencast now is old

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 0 commenti
A few months ago I published a screencast titled "Run jAPS in 10 minutes" which shows how to run jAPS 2.0 version 2.0.6.

So now that video is old :) It's old but still valid!
You can still follow the entire video and just remember that you HAVE TO configure /META-INF/context.xml instead of /WEB-INF/conf/systemParams.properties!!

There was many changes between 2.0.6 and 2.0.8 but in order to run jAPS 2.0 (2.0.8) in 10 minutes follow the old video guide and just edit context.xml instead of systemParams.properties.

...So I'll make a new video ASAP :) maybe with jAPS 2.0.10 :D

jAPS 2 0 - Presentation Layer Comparison

0 commenti
Check out this SlideShare Presentation of mine.
A very brief (really, it's short) comparison between jAPS 2.0 and some "Mistery Portlet Container" ...

Eat this!